

12th May 2023

I tell you what, when releasing new music, there's a lot of different things to be done and it seems like I can't remember all of it! Since the last news post, there have been 3 new singles released to Bandcamp and the streaming services. These are "Sushi Self-Deception", "The Antipasti Apathy" and the most recent release is "The Broccoli Dysfunction." All 3 tracks are darker, glitchier, more ambient.

In a short period of time, I've released an hour of new material - I've never felt so prolific. I'm really enjoying my music making again. The swerve towards dark ambient noise, as I like to call my work, seems to have been a good choice for me. I will continue to experiment and learn how to improve what I do. Of course, my old music doesn't really reflect what I do. I'm a bit torn as to what I should do with it - do I take it down, or leave it as some monument to where I came from? I've not decided yet. There's no rush to make any kind of decision, anyway.

So yeah, Cats Eating Cornflakes is very much active again, with several releases in a short space of time, and I still feel inspired to keep working. So watch this space for more releases to come!